Friday, 22 March 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013
Evaluation 2: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
The script that I wrote for this can be seen below:
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Evaluation 1: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
To gain audience feedback I decided to use an internet based questionnaire ( over a paper based questionnaire as it allowed me to embed it onto social networking sites to gain more responses. I am also able to analyse the results more efficiently using the percentages and statistics that are shown after each question. I have gained 8 responses, although this is not a large sample, and will not be representative of our target audience, the results are still going to be useful.
Question 1

My first question was to find out which gender the person completing the questionnaire was. It shows who was attracted to the music video and in our audience research at the start, we concluded our target audience was both males and females and this is shown within this questionnaire. There was an equal number of responses, 4 male and 4 female.
My next question was asking the respondents for their age. This question was important because from our audience research, we concluded that our target audience was between the ages of 16 - 29. With the results from this question we are able to see whether our music video is attracting the correct target audience and we are able to see what they think of our music video. The responses we gained from this were that 7/8 of our respondents were between the ages of 16-19 and 1 was between 20-24. This is what we aimed to find as our music video was aimed at that age group, it is also helpful when analysing the rest of the results as the responses are from those who are within our target audience.
I asked this question to see wether our target audience were able to correctly identify the genre if the music video that we created. In this questionnaire, the respondents answered 'Electronic' which is the correct genre but this is seen differently in the focus group that I held. Participants thought it could have been from the rock or alternative genre. From the results in this questionnaire it is clear that we have successfully stuck to the genre conventions of the Electronic genre.
The next question in my questionnaire asked 'did you enjoy the music video along with a reason for your answer.' This will give me an insight into who and who didn't enjoy the music video and why or what aspects they did/didn't like. Every respondent answered 'yes' to this answer which means that they did enjoy the music video. Overall positive comments that came from this were that it followed a strong clear narrative, the storyline matched the song and that the editing was effective. This suggests that the music video that we created was successful as our target audience especially enjoyed the video and could comment on the positives of the music video.
The fact that many people are commenting the same indicates that we have done that part really well. Our aim was to make the narritave clear and go along with the song but at the same time, have the performance part happening at the same time. These comments indicate that we have managed to do this successfully.

Some points that they picked up on were that it is 'clear' and that 'it suits the style of music' that my music video is along with it fitting with the colour scheme of my other products/ This is a positive comment as that was my aim for this digi pack, that it matches the genre of my music video and also matches with the other products I have made.
From this focus group the general feedback was positive and that I had created synergy between all of my media products and links could clearly be drawn, this could be through the colours along with the style of editing. It was fed back to me that they liked the editing and 'it was different.' When I asked them to elaborate they liked the part where the old tv effect appeared in the part of the song where it sounded fuzzy. They said that it gave it a good eddect and the song flowed rather than it jumping, starting and stopping. Overall the feedback from this focus group was positive, although the participants were shy and didn't talk as much as I would have liked, they gave me valid answers which have helped with my audience feedback.
Lastly, I used youtube statistics and analytics to gain feedback from my music video. I looked at the amount of views my youtube video gained within the last 30 days which was 218. This shows many people watched my music video but it is not reliable as it could be the same person watching it over and over again. With this I went in depth and looked primarily at the top demographics. From looking at these I found that females from 13-24 watched my music video the most along with males aged 18-24. This suggests to me that my video has attracted my intended target audience of 16-29 both males and females.

Question 1

My first question was to find out which gender the person completing the questionnaire was. It shows who was attracted to the music video and in our audience research at the start, we concluded our target audience was both males and females and this is shown within this questionnaire. There was an equal number of responses, 4 male and 4 female.
Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5
I wanted to find out how well I had created my digi pack and whether it was appealing to others so I asked the question 'is the digi pack appealing to you?' Out of the 8 respondents they all said that they found me digi pack appealing. This is a good thing as the target audience need to find it appealing in order for them to buy it, therefore I feel that I have successfully attracted my target audience.

Question 6
This question was asked to see if I had created my website in a way which is appealing to my target audience. 8 out of the 8 people I asked answered 'yes' which suggests that they were happy with my website and they found it appealing. I gained only 7 comments to this question but they were in a lot of detail. A comment said that they were 'able to see exactly who the artist is...' and that 'the website conveyed well to the genre of the music that was created through use of colour and font.'

There was another 2 comments which suggested the same, that it fits with the other products, these are positive comments as they feels that the website I created matches well with the genre and other products, this is positive because my aim was to make products which are all synergistic with each other. Other comments were that it looks professional, tidy, and interactive.

Question 7

This question was asked to see if I had created my website in a way which is appealing to my target audience. 8 out of the 8 people I asked answered 'yes' which suggests that they were happy with my website and they found it appealing. I gained only 7 comments to this question but they were in a lot of detail. A comment said that they were 'able to see exactly who the artist is...' and that 'the website conveyed well to the genre of the music that was created through use of colour and font.'

There was another 2 comments which suggested the same, that it fits with the other products, these are positive comments as they feels that the website I created matches well with the genre and other products, this is positive because my aim was to make products which are all synergistic with each other. Other comments were that it looks professional, tidy, and interactive.

Question 7

The next question I asked was to find out whether the respondents felt that all three of my products (music video, digi pack & website) were synergistic with each other. All 8 of the respondents replied 'yes' to this question suggesting that I have successfully made three media products that are linked with each other and people can tell that they are from the same artist. Some things that they picked up on that were synergistic were the use of the colours, the editing and the same artist.
Question 8
The last question I asked was for an overall rating of the music video. The average rating was 8.75 because 1 respondent rated it 7 out of 10, 2 responded 8/10, 3 responded 9/10 and 2 responded 10/10.
Overall this gave me an indication that my target audience enjoyed my music video but there are a couple of things that need to be improved in order to gain 10/10.
Secondly, I used a focus group to gain feedback from my target audience, I used 3 girls and 1 boy ages 18-19. The focus group I carried out is embedded below.Question 8
The last question I asked was for an overall rating of the music video. The average rating was 8.75 because 1 respondent rated it 7 out of 10, 2 responded 8/10, 3 responded 9/10 and 2 responded 10/10.
Overall this gave me an indication that my target audience enjoyed my music video but there are a couple of things that need to be improved in order to gain 10/10.
From this focus group the general feedback was positive and that I had created synergy between all of my media products and links could clearly be drawn, this could be through the colours along with the style of editing. It was fed back to me that they liked the editing and 'it was different.' When I asked them to elaborate they liked the part where the old tv effect appeared in the part of the song where it sounded fuzzy. They said that it gave it a good eddect and the song flowed rather than it jumping, starting and stopping. Overall the feedback from this focus group was positive, although the participants were shy and didn't talk as much as I would have liked, they gave me valid answers which have helped with my audience feedback.
Lastly, I used youtube statistics and analytics to gain feedback from my music video. I looked at the amount of views my youtube video gained within the last 30 days which was 218. This shows many people watched my music video but it is not reliable as it could be the same person watching it over and over again. With this I went in depth and looked primarily at the top demographics. From looking at these I found that females from 13-24 watched my music video the most along with males aged 18-24. This suggests to me that my video has attracted my intended target audience of 16-29 both males and females.

From all of my audience feedback I have learnt that my products are all synergistic and people can clearly tell my products all link together. I could improve my feedback by having more people take part in my survey along with different ages of people taking part. This would allow me to analyse more reliable and valid feedback and I would be able to clearly tell the differences between the age groups that watch the video etc.
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